In the Columbia to Clark Missouri area
I'm Bill and I cut, split, dry, and deliver firewood. I split and stack my wood and let it dry for about a year so that it burns great. I sell firewood in 16-inch lengths and 12-inch lengths. I also sell 8-inch lengths for chiminea fireplaces and pizza ovens as well as 4 inch lengths for mini-pizza ovens. I also sell BBQ chunks in mesh bags for smoking meat. The wood is delivered in sturdy blue Ikea bags or in bulk. Check out the options for firewood below and give me a text or call.
Check out my description of central Missouri firewood as well as how to take care of your firewood.
I will not sell wood before it's time. Firewood has to be split to dry well. Firewood has to be dried to 20% or less moisture content to burn well.
Unsplit wood will hold the moisture in the wood for years.
Oak and Hickory has to be split about 1 year ago for it to be dry enough to burn well. The larger the split, the longer it has to dry.
Some will sell wood that is "seasoned." How long has it been seasoned? I am splitting wood now to sell in a year.
Dry firewood is the key to not have creasote in your chimney. Make sure your chimney is clean then burn dry firewood and you will have no problems for a long time.
I deliver free in the Clark to Columbia, MO area!
Check out your firewood options below.
Scroll down below to see your options for purchase!
Check out the pictures at the very bottom of this page for examples of the firewood that I have.
How to take care of your Firewood
Most Firewood that is freshly split is about 30%-45% moisture content. The goal is to get it below 20%. We will never get rid of all the moisture, but it is possible to get firewood in the mid teens. A way to tell that firewood is dry is to take 2 pieces of firewood and hit them together. The firewood will sound like a bowling ball hitting the pins. Wet firewood makes a dull thud. Oak and Hickory take about 1 year to dry down outside depending on the size of the split. As I said before, unsplit wood has bark on the outside and holds the moisture in. Firewood needs heat (air temp and/or the sun) and wind (air circulation) to dry. Firewood dries in the winter with lower humidity, air circulation and the sun (heat) but it dries faster in the summer. Of course a kiln speeds up the process, heat and circulation, but most people don't have one so we use the sun and wind to our advantage.
Stack your firewood above the ground. If you put your firewood on the dirt it will take the moisture from the ground and never dry. A cement slab is OK, but a firewood rack is better, that allows more air circulation. Storing your wood in the garage is a great place if the wood is already dry.
Should you cover your firewood? If it is already dry, it is not necessary, but if you want to, only cover the top. Rain will shed off the uncovered wood and only the outside gets wet and that will dry quickly. I have so much wood that I can't cover it all and it all dries. If I do cover it, I only cover the very top as I want air circulation. One thing that really slows down the drying process is snow. Snow sits on the wood and slowly melts onto the wood. Wood that is wet on the outside for a long time of course can not dry.
Let's talk about knots
Many people want firewood that looks nice. But the knotty pieces are the ones that burn the hottest and longest. This is because the wood grain is very tight around the knots. So when you see a knotty, ugly piece of firewood, think, that's a beautiful burning piece of wood
Small split White Oak and Hickory, no bark for smoking meat
Ranger Solo Stoves will take 12" firewood
Bonfire, Yukon and Canyon Solo Stoves will take 16" Firewood
Bag of kindling with 12 starters
Inexpensive Boiler heating wood
This wood is delivered in large Ikea bags. It is specialty wood for BBQ firewood, pizza ovens, mini-pizza ovens, Mesa Solo stoves and chiminea fireplaces. Free delivery in the Clark to Columbia area with orders over $50.
1/32nd of a cord (4 inches x 3' x 4') 4 cubic ft-This wood is for mini-pizza ovens, Mesa Solo stoves or chiminea fireplaces.
Compared to buying this wood online, you are getting a much better value [.75 cubic ft online is $35, for a little more money, you would get over 5 times more wood and delivered free!] Check out the picture below
Split smaller than my usual small split, comes in 2 large Ikea bags
White Oak, no bark $60
Hickory, no bark $70
Cherry $ 80
A mix of all 3 kinds of wood $70
1/16th of a cord (8 inches x 3' x 4') 8 cubic ft - This equals about 10 store-bought bundles but cut shorter.
Delivered in 4 large Ikea bags
This is chiminea or BBQ firewood
White Oak, no bark $70
Hickory, no bark $80
Cherry $90
A mix of all 3 kinds of wood $80
Each of these is delivered in 4 large Ikea bags
Hunks and Chunks - I have Oak and Hickory that are cut at random lengths 4"-10" I split these into usable pieces. This firewood can be knotty and will burn great. (knotty firewood burns longer and hotter) This firewood will be great for the offset smoker, backyard fire pit, Solo Stoves, mini pizza oven, and small high efficiency wood stoves.
Large Ikea bag, over 2 cubic ft, the equivalent of 3 store bought bundles.
Buy 5 bags for $50 for free delivery.
Check out the picture below
Bag of Kindling with 12 starters $10
Check out the picture below
For those who want to save money, I sell bulk dry firewood. The standard measurement for firewood is a cord, measuring 4' x 4' x 8', 128 cubic ft of wood. I sell from 1/8 - 1/3 cord loads. Delivered to your driveway in the Clark to Columbia area. Areas beyond this, we can talk about the extra fee. Stacking would be an extra fee.
19" Big Fireplace or Fire Pit Lengths
I sometimes get longer pieces, 18"-21". These average about medium split. If you have a bigger fireplace or fire pit, you may like this firewood. remember to measure your fireplace or pit to make sure these fit. I will figure the average at 19" but some are 20, 21" maybe even 22" long. So you get more firewood.
1/4 of a cord Sold out for the season
Red and White Oak long $120
1/3 of a cord Sold out for the season
Red and White Oak long $140
18" Ash Firewood
I have 18" Ash firewood, split a little bigger than medium split but this firewood has been drying for 2 years, super dry and will burn easy. As I have said in my description of firewood, Ash is almost as good of BTUs as Oak and it's a cleaner wood. If you are looking for firewood for the fireplace, larger stove, or backyard fire pit this is it. Just make sure it fits in your firebox or fire pit.
1/6 of a cord (4' x 3.6') $85
1/4 of a cord (4' x 5.4') $120
1/3 of a cord (4' x 7') $140
16" Lengths
I have some oak, as in 1/6 or 1/8 cord orders to help you get through the winter.
I have 12" oak if you want oak. I will give you a better price if you buy 1/3 cord 12" oak $150
I also have mixed hardwood that are mainly sawmill cutoffs, 2 x 4s and 4 x 4s. In these mixed hardwoods, I would say that well over 1/2 of the pieces are oak, so you are getting a fair amount of Oak for a lower price.
I have lots of boiler wood, mixed hardwood if you don't mind ugly firewood and I will sell it for 1/3 cord equiv (it's difficult to stack) for $110
1/12 of a cord (16 inches x 2.7' x 3') 10.66 cubic ft This equals about 14 store-bought bundles Enough to be better priced than buying bundles in the store, but this amount doesn't take up a lot of room. This is for those who don't want a bunch of firewood laying around.
But also for those who smoke meat and need a fair amount of smoking wood.
Red Oak and White Oak, medium split, some are small split $50
White Ash, Medium split $50
Red and White Oak-Small split $60 Sold out for the season
White Oak, Small Split, no bark select firewood (For smoking meat, or you can burn it) $80
Hickory-Small Split, no bark select firewood (For smoking meat, or you can burn it) $90
1/8 of a cord (16 inches x 3' x 4') 16 cubic ft - This equals about 21 store-bought bundles
Red Oak and White Oak, medium split, some are small split $70
White Ash, Medium split $70
Red and White Oak-Small split $80 Sold out for the season
White Oak, Small Split, no bark select firewood (For smoking meat, or you can burn it) $100
Hickory-small to medium split $90 Sold out for the season
Hickory-Small Split, no bark select firewood (For smoking meat, or you can burn it) $110
1/6 of a cord (16 inches x 4' x 4') 21 cubic ft - This equals about 28 store-bought bundles
Red Oak and White Oak, medium split $85
White Ash Medium split $85
Oak/Ash Mix $85
Red and White Oak-Small split $95 Sold out for the season
Hickory-small to medium split $105 Sold out for the season
1/4 of a cord (16 inches x 4' x 6') 32 cubic ft - This equals about 42 store-bought bundles
Mixed Hardwood Medium split (The wood will be a variety of hardwoods and a variety of lengths, 14"-18". I'll make sure you get your money's worth) $110
Red oak and White Oak Medium split $120 sold out for the season
Red and White Oak Small split $140 Sold out for the season
White Ash Medium split $120
Hickory (small to medium split) $140 Sold out for the season
1/3 of a cord (16 inches x 4' x 8') 42.6 cubic ft - This equals about 56 store-bought bundles (2 pictures below in pickup, both pickup loads are 1/3 of a cord. 1 picture of stacked, the other loose thrown)
Red and white oak Medium split $140 Sold out for the season
Red and White Oak Small split $160 Sold out for the season
Mixed Hardwood Medium split (The wood will be a variety of hardwoods and a variety of lengths, 14"-18". I'll make sure you get your money's worth) $130
White Ash Medium split $140
Oak/Ash Mix Medium split $140
Hickory (small to medium split) $160 Sold out for the season
Bag of Kindling with 12 starters $10
12" Lengths
These are split a little bigger, 3"-4" in diameter. Most people have a shorter stove to burn this firewood, but this is great firewood for the fireplace or backyard fire pit. Also the perfect fit for the Ranger Solo Stove and many Jotul stoves.
1/8 of a cord (12 inch cut x 4' x 4') 16 cubic ft
Red and white oak $100
White Ash $100
Oak/Ash Mix $100
1/4 of a cord (12 inch cut x 8' x 4') 32 cubic ft
Red and white oak $130
White Ash $130
Oak/Ash Mix $130
1/3 of a cord (12 inch cut x 10.65' x 4') 42.6 cubic ft
Red and white oak $150
White Ash $150
Oak/Ash mix $150
For those who really want to save money, I have "odds and ends" firewood. When I split wood, from time to time I get knotty or short or ugly pieces of wood. I also have sawmill cutoffs mixed in. I throw them in a pile because they don't stack well. These pieces will burn but they are not "pretty" firewood. (All dry wood burns) Some are big chunks, some small chunks and various species of wood. If you are looking for cheap boiler heating wood this is it. If you are looking for cheap odds and ends, this is it. If you are looking for what I call "over nighters" there are many in the pile.
(Check out the picture below of the big pile of wood)
Odds and Ends Boiler Wood
I will deliver the odds and ends, I will fill my 3/4 ton truck with side rails to the brim, about 3/4 of a cord $250 (Check out the picture below)
If you pick up with your truck, tossed in 1/3 of a cord, (really more) $75
If you bring a trailer, I will figure accordingly, but don't worry, you will get the better deal.
How it works: Start a campfire. When the campfire has become hot coals, place the hollow log upright in the center of the campfire. Once the log has caught fire in the middle, drop an unopened magic pack down the center of the log, and watch the colorful display! Great for parties, camping trips, and holidays.
1/16th of a cord of dry, 8" oak in 4 large Ikea bags +1 mesh bag of Hickory chunks +1 mesh bag of Cherry chunks $90
(See picture below)
(573) 631-3210
Call or Text to Set Up Delivery
Monday - Saturday
Give me a call to set up a delivery time
General Inquiries
5 Ikea bags of big hunks and chunks, $50, delivered. I also have smaller hunks according to your needs.
1/32 of a cord 4" White Oak in 2 large Ikea bags $60
Hickory and Cherry Chunks
Hollow log with magic color packet
White Oak Small split, no bark
1/3 cord loose thrown 1/3 cord stacked
White or Green Ash Medium split
Boiler heater wood
Aprox. 3/4 of a cord of boiler wood $250
Bag of Kindling with 12 starters $10 ( basketball for reference)